Wednesday, May 06, 2009

ok ok.

the other day,
i was thinking, kenapa laaa benda datang bertubi-tubi,
then i realised, it's spring! musim bunga, musim mengawan.

and now, it's getting bald...
coz it's coming up to summer!
orang yang mengawan dah unite.
so, life's getting dull.

same like mine.
haritu, bertubi-tubi manusia menyerang,
sekarang, senyap sunyi.

god's creation...
kan? memang dijadikan macam tu.

satu musim,
hati penuh berharap.
later on, hati jadi kosong,
mengahdapi musim yang sama,
panas kemarau.
hee~it comes to logic now :)

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