Tuesday, March 09, 2010

hm.what else...

like seriosly..nothing can be done.
i am bored.
bored of what i am going through.

and nothing can change that.
and i've learn't something.

if you ever wanted to be friend to someone because
you really adore them or admire them,
trust me,
one day, you'll get to be friend with them.
one thing for sure
you have to reserve a heartbroken, for yourself.
because they will leave you one day,
for a person they wanted to be friend with.
and you'll left
alone, as always.

and i regret for not having many friends.
i do.

is it better to have few true friends or a bunch of just friends?
but if you have few,
they are just the few.
if you have bunch,
there's always people around you.
so, which one?


m i r a said...

smue org perlu ada rmai kawan, but at the same time, we also need to have a few friends that we call it as bestfriend. Bestfrens are the people who u can really trust & rely on. xkan smue bende nk share ngn smue org kan? :) hehe

h a n y a n a said...

tula kan... hmm...
ni macam.. if we fall in love for someone who doesn't love us, but loves someone else, we will be left brokenhearted. and i think thats written...

m i r a said...
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m i r a said...

absolutely true.. sgt saket kot.. but if u really love that person, u should also be happy as long as he's happy :) i'll always try to think that way to make myself feel better :) hehe time heals all wounds. sabar hany :)

h a n y a n a said...

oh.and that sucks.