Tuesday, August 12, 2008

i need help!

ladies and gentlemen,
i need help on cleaning my home :)
i used to have a maid but no more now.

1. how do i clean up the house, i mean to get rid of the dusts? it comes everyday and no one bother to clean it up. end up home full of dust = a dusty home!

2. how do i manage the home properly? everything seems to be here and there. it's sickening! sakit mata tengok! rumah macam kapal karam and tongkang pecah! mira. you saw my home and room. macam mane niiiii?????

3. what are the house cleaning routine? to make the home almost perfect. which i'll be doing it frequently or every week. what's the must do's for house cleaning?

i'll appreciate if anyone could give some ideas and answer to this :)
thank you!


m i r a said...

heloo~ x la bersepah mane pon ahahaha~ relax2.. weekend bole upah org tlg kemas umah. kite phm org keje mesti bz :P hihi

h a n y a n a said...

hahaha~tak besepah awk kate?!
kite sendiri pening ni!uwaaa~~ :(