Thursday, February 19, 2009

my random 25

rules: once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. at the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. you have to tag the person who tagged you. if i tagged you, it's because i want to know more about you.

to do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.

1. i'm turning 22 in a month time. and still need to lose weight. that's been my goal since i ever remember.i know it's lame.but i just can't help it.

2. i have sleeping problem. i have no idea what syndrome is that. but i'll just lay on the bed for hours before i get to sleep. that's been happening for the past 6-7 months.including tonight.

3. i am a dream catcher.

4. i am not the "forgive and forget" type. not all the time. but most of the time.

5. i love cakes :) cheese cakes the most. i can spend my time at the bakery for hours, having cakes on my own. seriously selalu. just people don't know.

6. i am still single.

7. i'm searching for someone. but not that desperate.

8. i'm not looking for a perfectionist.

9. i work at odd hours. i know people won't and can't understand me. only those who understands will be close to me. because i hate people who can't understand.i'll normally avoid them.

10. i love to travel. and love to go everywhere. but then, just need company. i hope i'll get it soon.

11. i love to be with people. and love who could make me laugh.

12. i like to buy unimportant things.

13. i am an owner of a charge card since i was, imagine how much i spend per annum when the statement comes. and then i'll be swearing to GOD, to change and won't be spending so much, but i'll end up increasing the amount every year! haha.

14. okay. i've been tagged by my and mar. so, i have to do this. 14 down.11 to go!!

15. i read fairy tales and fantasy.ONLY!

16. i prefer ballad/jazz than rock.

17. i want to be an owner of a dslr.

18. i always dream to own a horse, and riding it every evening, keliling kota.

19. i dream to live in a mansion. the definition with 1800 costumes.. weee~ sangat indaahhhh....

20. i wish to have my own bakery so that i could bake everyday! :) aww~how nice if it'll come true...

21. i'm not a good story teller, not good at describing things around. i'm just good at listening. listening ONLY! (yeah.i know you can see it from this note.kan kan??)

22. i have no talent.

23. current obsession : tiada/none/nil

24. i hate when strangers text me with : hi, boleh kenal? you might not know me, but i know you. (daaa???aku memang tak kenal kau pun!!) and i hate strangers who approaches.i mean total stranger!

25. i hate a lot of things. seriously. if i were to list down, i'm afraid that people wouldnt want to be my friend. haha.



whitish pink said...

mari komen. hehe.

problem untuk tido? make sure before masuk tido, mende yang awak buat adalah yang ringan je. bukan gune otak untuk pikir. like bace buku cerita ke. and try to drink milk before bed. oh, susu ade hormon untuk tidao tau! plus, basuh kaki, amek wudhuk and doa. tenang je tido nanti. nasihat doktor ni. hehe

bakery? i love too! jom buat!tapi nantila bile dah besar2 siket. (eh, kite ni kecik ke?) tapi awakla yang baked. aaa..xpon buat bakery dalam klinik kite. melampau tak? ke3

oh. u got no talent? damn. i envy u a lot ok. stop underestimate yourself too much. love yourself before others could love you. kamu ade sangat banyak talent. make up, sewing, cooking. almost everything. like a perfect women wannabe. trust me, ive been your friends for so long, i know it for sure.

aa..cukuplah tu. panjang dah komen kite.

h a n y a n a said...

wahaaa~panjangnye!!! :) ni mcm comment plg pnjg!

okay.b4 tdo i'm trying la buat2 sume tuh.mlm smlm another 45mins wasted jugak.haih...

okay.jom.bakery dlm clinic?whew~sehat kah?!haha.tapi ok jugak cmtuh!! :) cm cafe in clinic.aww~brilliant!!!

dan..omg.awk tak rasa apa yang kite rasa.maybe awk nmpk it as talent.padahal tu mmg sume org bole buat kan?tu bukan talent!

*actually paranoid sbb takde bf lagi! :(