Sunday, January 10, 2010

choose one.

some people live for fantasy
some people live for dream job
some people live for money
some people dream for ambition
some people live for the sake of living

so, choose one, what do you live for?

we can dream..
dream to have
great cars, big house, good cash..
never wanting to think of anything,
just live life happily.

but is never a dream come true.
and sometimes i don't know.
what do i live for..
dream job?

pokoknya, i have nothing in mind that stood me still.
it keep changes.
and what i know,
i never want to live like how i am right now.
i want whats in my fantasy.
but its just a fantasy kan? hurm..

a job? dah ada
money? never enough
fantasies? selalu buat, and never come true
lover? i don't know if its true
friends? come and go
dreams? a lot. and people say its not realistic

so, what now?
what do you live for?


m i r a said...

1st - to serve Allah swt
2nd - to love and being loved by the people around me

*hany dh ade keje best. sgt jeles ok! :D

Ad- said...

friends dont come and go lah...


h a n y a n a said...

mira calls for living for love...
okay.and at least mira dah ada dah yangtu..

yes abg ad, friends come and go.they will never get to be with you all time... cuba fikir betul-betul?