Wednesday, April 22, 2009

mac book.

i think i'm getting macbook.
since my laptop now is having some stooopid problems. hanging now and then.
and i'm in the middle of peak time studying.

macam laa macbook tak hang kan. if the user is just like me, mesti nanti hang jugak.
eh on macbook?


m i r a said...

im planning to buy one too. kt mimos gune mac. sgt2 best!! tgh try pujuk ayah beli satu :( vista tiru mac kot. kite dh buat review sket. macbook harga around rm5000. kalo macbook pro harga around rm8000+. tp bg hany, kite rase kalo beli macbook 13.3" led, 2.0 gb memory/ram, 2.0GHz intel core 2 duo processor, and
160GB hard drive dh cukop :) mac xde virus mcm laptop biase. oh it can also be up to 5x faster NVIDIA graphics performance. design pon clean and smart !! :D

h a n y a n a said...

omg!banyaknye yang perlu diketahui.thanks mira...yg rm5000 je pun dah okay :) (kite tau mengada, laptop ni baru berusia 1 1/2 yrs dah gatal nak baru)
13.3" cam sudah cukup :) and tak pakai heavy duty cam awk :)

m i r a said...

kalo beli baru, laptop lame cmne??