Saturday, April 19, 2008

it's spring! :)

how i's musim mengawan now..everyone's getting happy..with love.. haha and i was told by's spring. sebab tu orang mengawan. and that's the reason banyak wedding and banyak couples declare! haha. never thought of it. never thought this thing exist! and i don't understand how it goes! :)

well... latest news is tiqah also declared recently... being single into being in a relationship! congratulations my friend! so, now left siti and ash's status unrevealed! :) hihi.. pasti akan dapat ku korek jugak one day! :)

ohh... sepang gold coast is not bad! :) kawan-kawan..mari kita bersama-sama g homestay kat sepang gold coast! :) let us celebrate something over there nak tak? spend 1 whole day.. then makan seafood... uish.. dreaming je tau... haha... will do... one day... jom!jom! :)


Ad- said...

musim mengawan?

hehehee....kalau dekat sini musim mengawan ialah masa winter...banyak je maid kena hantar balik sebab mengandung atau bawa bf balik rumah...


h a n y a n a said...

ohh okay.lain ikot country kot..n places..but tak sangka malaysia pun dapat tempias jugak.walhal malaysia is just all time summer kann :)

ohh but that is maid.ahh.maid mmg gatal.hahaha

m i r a said...

haha jom2!! tggu kepulangan wanie =D

h a n y a n a said...

yes!tunggu wannie! wannie..jgn balek lambat sgt!!!!

Anonymous said...

musim mengawan? kite tempias skali ke hany? tp mmg la. ermm. kt tempat kite ni pun ramai tetbe yg berpasangan dan dulunya sorg2 kini berteman. haha.
hey sepang gold coast? best kah? ade pe kt situ? nak gi! hany, june kite balik awk jgn busy sgt tau~

h a n y a n a said...

well well...macam takde pape..tapi bole tgk sunset/sunrise laaa..kite pon taknah g tempat tuh!haha~tak sabaaarrrr!!!!