Saturday, January 17, 2009


we had a chat. me & wannie.
she told me,
kalau nak bercinta, means kena tahan sakit.
and she also told me,
i will not be able to bare with the pain.

setelah mendengar penjelasan dan cerita-cerita cinta,
i really feel,
i will not be able to bare with it.
i know.
because i hate pain.
i won't tolerate with any kinds of pain that hurt me.
i know.
so, i decided,
i'm not going to fall in love for the time being.
if i fall in love,
i'll makesure it won't hurt.
it won't be as deep as my love for myself!
i know!

thanks wannie.
i know you're telling me the truth.


Anonymous said... is pain, but don't forget,love is happiness too.

without pain, love would never be interesting. you might take love for granted. you see, people never realize how important love is until they lost it. so, with some pain from the fights you had, you will make sure and be careful so that next time you wont make the same mistake, so that you could keep the love you had. and without any fights in your love life, you might feel, oh, there's nothing you have to worry with your love and then you'll take it for granted.

pain from love also make ur love bond become stronger. believe me, there's always benefits from the pain we get.

after all, love is childish. when u act like a child, u will easily be hurt.

so, never be afraid to be in love. just have this Principe in your life:

if i ever break up, it is never a loss to me, because, at least ive been given a chance to have all the sweet memories with him. it did my life on cloud 9 once, and im glad to have it.

so dear.
be in love.
just dont put a high demand okayh?

love ya.

h a n y a n a said...

this is difficult.
okay, i'll give it a chance.
but, not too soon :)
i think i'm not ready yet.
+no one wants to make love with me yet.hihi