Friday, January 16, 2009


i had a chat with mira earlier.
mira had been indulging a lot!
a lot means a lot!
mira mira.. saya juga mahu!!
ohh i hope one day.
the days will come,
where we don't need to think of anything else,
other than have what we want,
eat what we like,
live life the fullest,
and i really hope,
the days will come...

let us hold hands,
and pray together ;)
and mira, jangan lari jauh. i'll make sure you'll lead! :)


m i r a said...

ahahahah.. sorry.. driving skill sgt kronik. dh la x pandai nk lead. sorry!!! omg. sumpah kne control hobby suke mencube nih. smp bile2 pon gemok!!

*tgh mkn coklat cadbury hazelnut*

h a n y a n a said...

sempat lagi!
no no.bole kurus pasnih!
jgn dinner byk2.
pasni lunch pulak :D hehehe
pastu petang g beridahh..